#ISBF7 - Traditions worth maintaining

Over the years, The Independent Salford Beer Festival (or ISBF from here) has developed. Significantly. In size, scope and - to a more limited extent - ambition. But what started in year 1, back over 8 years ago, is that it had a “feeling” (those who know me, know my loathing of the V word 😂).

Friendliness, yes. But more than that, for me at least. Ever since year one, back in that single room at St Sebastian's, there was a feeling of family.

Each year, we've had - pretty much - the same group of volunteers. Not doing it because they materially gained anything. But doing it for the friendships. The camaraderie. Because it mattered. And they cared.

(I get a little lump in my throat writing that)

They GOT that it was all for a good cause. And came back. Year after year.

To me, that's the essence of this event. It's not a beery arms race. That's never been the point. The point has been for somewhere to relax. Drink bloody good beer. Renew acquaintances. Make new ones. Smile. Chuckle.

It's not fancy. It's not flash. But it's ours. And we love it.

In year 4, back in 2017, we decided to have a little launch do. In a little bar. The Brink.

Small, intimate. It was - for the evening - our space. And we filled it. The lure? First Stab at grabbing tickets. (The year before, we sold out). Again, meeting people we only knew on Twitter or Facebook. Chuckling. Getting (wittily) ripped apart - in my case.

It was fun…..

We repeated the next year (our first at Hemsley House) and in 2019. And had a blast both times. On one occasion, we even had 2 friends from the South West, competing to get to The Brink first. One by train, the other by car. Like I said, it was fun.

Then. Covid. And the first attempt at #ISBF7 was scrapped. We went Virtual.

2021 the same.

The Brink became a statistic of Covid. It closed. We (literally) wept. It was our place. Our safe space. We miss it still.

The world opened up a little. Eventually.

I wondered if we could do another in person event. So started reaching out. Venue, bars, breweries, mini events. All seemed to line up. But I hesitated. Not having done this for three years made this feel quite intimidating. Scary.

But I kept getting asked…. “Are you doing ISBF again?” And the more people asked, wanted to get involved etc, it ate away at me.

So. OK. We'll do ISBF again shall we?

Next question was, shall we have a little launch bash again? Easy answer for me, but where?

Step forward Manchester's most iconic pub.

The Marble Arch.

Not in my wildest dreams did I think we could. But we are. One of my all time favourite pubs. I'm chuffed to bits.

So. What's the idea?

Well. From 7pm. On Sunday 14th August, “The Arch” will be closed. For a little ISBF evening. Friends old and new, will have the chance to gather, chat, see each other - in many cases - for the first time since 2019.

You'll get to hear me. Wibble. About the event. Be the first people to hear/see the full brewery list (up to that point, only I know that detail!)

You get the chance to grab an exclusive “Art ByVolume” designed T-shirt. (T-Shirt link not showing sizes at mo, if you buy one, contact me via SM Direct to confirm size etc)

AND. Get the chance to buy your #ISBF7 tickets in advance. To guarantee you get your ticket to join us in our little slice of Heaven.

So. Fancy it. Coming to join us for a little chuckle?

Tickets are FREE. (The T-Shirt isn't, obvs!)

Want to join us? Click here.

Numbers are seriously limited.

Hope to see you on three weeks time.

Be kind to one another.

Jim x


ISBF - Let's Do This.


#ISBFHeroes13 - Evolution of A Sheffield Standard