The Imperial Salford Beer Festival Strikes Again!!! #ISBF7 at Torrside

Some breweries get nowhere NEAR the laurels that they deserve.

They don't hype. They don't show flash. They have a lane. They like that lane. They do their thing. Quietly. With an emphasis on flavour. Consistency. Passion.

That's enough about Robbies……

I ******* adore Torrside. They make simply exceptional beer. Across a range of styles. With a stamp of consistent excellence that those who know beer, locally, completely recognise.

Their tap openings are a joy. With a solid core of locals and fans from much further afield thronging for the beautiful, sharp Pales. Luscious Stouts & potent, tasty Barley Wines. And the niche. The Rauch & all things smoked. (Their Smokefest - the Nichest of Niche events - Sold out)

A Torrside brewday is a joy. You learn stuff. Like how the only member of the Torrside family to demand attention has four legs.

So. Last Tuesday. I found myself in the company of the mighty Yuki, FanBoyGeneral and Chris & Sarah. To make beer.

The only clue I had, was that it would be Monstrous. Typically Torrside. Typically ISBF (the first few beers we take ALWAYS seem to be around 9% - hence the title…)

I did have another clue. The brewday would be for Candlewick, their beautiful Stout. And that the ISBF beer would be a partigyle. The first runnings of said Candlewick being diverted to a smaller copper. To be played with. A bit.

Oh. Just a bit……

In a beer sense, my heart is given to darkness. To the richness of flavour and mouthfeel that only Stouts and their Imperial offspring can provide.

This had a significant quantity of dark and roasty malts in the grist case. (loved using the shovels to distribute the Barley!) The smell was quite divine. Like chocolate porridge. Bloody gorgeous.

Once the Mash was done, transfer of the sugar rich wort commenced. With the first, concentrated, couple of hundred litres diverted to the Cradle of the Monsters. The 200 litre mini copper used to create the big beasts. The Monsters series of beers that have become a hallmark.

Each Monster has its “quirk”. Its own little secret sauce, or, in this case, spice. We'll get to that soon enough…

Digging out the spent mash was fun, with FanBoyGeneral doing his fair share (hard to believe, I know….). The spent grain giving you an idea of the joys to come. Our hosts were generous, using a truck to cart the grain outside, sparing my poor “old man” back….

What can I say? It's been a year or 3 since the last proper dig and I'm seriously out of shape. 😁

Now then. The idea was Sarah's. And the idea, arguably turns the Dark Juice of Joy into a Health Drink.

“What alchemy is this?” I hear you cry?

Turmeric. That most golden of spices.

Now then. I was curious. I get the alleged health be benefits, but flavour?

Initial tasting - pre transfer to FV - gave me an earthiness, a subtle perfume and an enhanced dryness. It tasted lovely.

What was even better - to enhance the experience for me - was that, on draught, THIS BEER WILL BE UNIQUE TO ISBF7!!!


It's going to be casked. Into a firkin. And put to one side.

Just for us!


Huge thank yous to Chris, Sarah and the entire Torrside team for this. It smells and tastes delicious and it's likely to come out around an impressively sessionable 8.5%.

And - other than that cask of joy - it's all going into bottle.

So. How can you guarantee having a shot of tasting this on draught?

Firstly, Sponsorship of a beer! Still about 30 left out of 85. Want to help a great charity whilst sampling incredible beers? Click here. Your tickets will be guaranteed!!!

Another way is to read the next post. When I announce our LAUNCH PARTY!!! The other way to get a jump on everyone else. Tickets will go on sale first to those in attendance…..

Post next week.

For now, patience is a virtue.

Drool on.

Back soon. Jim x

Be kind to one another.


#ISBFHeroes13 - Evolution of A Sheffield Standard


A Fantastic Voyage - The final ISBF Brewday at Five Towns Brewery