Friends of #isbf8 - Sponsorship

When I (Jim) first set about creating The Independent Salford Beer Festival, back in 2014, I had no idea about anything. Well, almost anything.

The only thing I was certain of, was who brewed good beer in the North of England. If I had a superpower, that was it.

That was what the very first ISBF had. 36 cask conditioned beers. From the North of England.

Little did I know that - almost from the off - this event would become - (in my mind at least) synonymous with the word “Community”.

From the responses to the first tweet, that yelp for help (poetry eh?), from an (then) unknown fella hauling our bar snacks over the Pennines (take a bow Steve), to people occupying the same seats, at the same session, each year, from the fella (that's YOU Andy) offering design help, to Malcolm (aka Five Towns Brewery) offering BOGOF and the same people who volunteered in Year 1 being still with us 8 years later… I’d met very few of these people at that point.

This Community, this Family (the #ISBFFamily) have grown together as both comrades and friends.

Something that makes me feel both thankful and proud.

Something else that both myself and the #ISBFFamily are really proud of, are the Sponsors who get involved each and every year.

It was a deliberate decision to focus on individuals and small local businesses when it comes to sponsors. Something that chimes with the event itself. Small, local, friendly.

I've had opportunities, over the years, for larger sponsors to become involved, something that just didn't feel right. Didn't fit. And I wouldn't change that.

And - that said - I was hugely humbled at #ISBF7, when every beer had a sponsor. The first time that this has happened in all the years we've been doing this. That's local people, putting hands in their pockets. And doing great things. Helping us, to help out our partner charity, START Inspiring Minds.

Posters. Programme. Beers. Glassware. All sponsored. Without that, we would have been nowhere close to the £8.5k that was donated to START on Xmas eve.

So. Here we are again. Appealing for you lovely people, to join in, help us to do good things. By sponsoring stuff.

Beers & Ciders - Up to 100 opportunities.

Posters - They're gonna be gorgeous this year!

Programme - Again, a work of art from Mr “Art by Volume” himself.

Glassware - (Sponsors can suggest glass style)

So - who fancies sponsoring a beer? Or something else? Like Glassware? Programme? Anything really! I'm all ears!

Beer Sponsorship will be £85. We're keeping the rate for this the same as last year - would seem wrong to up the price.

This gets you - the lovely sponsor - 2 tickets to a session(s) of your choice. With Glassware, Programme and £10 beer tokens per ticket.

It also gets you undying gratitude, your name of choice against a beer/brewery and a huge thank you in both the programme & post event webpost.

It also gets you the warm glow of knowing that you are helping a magnificent local charity in START Inspiring Minds.


Posters - £50 (Branding prominently displayed - no tickets etc)

Programme sponsorship - £100 (Inc prominent logo on front, with full page ad on rear cover)

Glassware etc, I'm open to ideas/approaches.

To sponsor (anything), use the contact page and select the option “Sponsorship”. Or click this link. And help a fabulous charity to do amazing work.

Back soon. Be kind to one another.

Jim x


#ISBF8 - Ticket Launch Night.


East West Fest 04 - 06/05/2023 : isbf kinship